Leading the Hybrid Work Revolution: Choosing First Principles
For nearly three years, the hybrid (also referred to as flexible) work model has been a focal point across various industries. Despite this, it remains largely uncharted territory. In my inaugural article on this topic, I emphasized the critical role of grounding your strategy in steadfast first principles. These aren't just guidelines; they resonate deeply with what your organization embodies, steering every decision made during this transformative journey. They are the compass directing you to a revitalized culture.
As we navigate this path, which remains a learning journey, I can offer shortcuts to avoid early hurdles based on my firsthand experience strategizing and implementing the hybrid work model at Intuit. While your principles will naturally align with your organization’s core values and unique circumstances, a strong foundation should cater to both the organization and its members’ needs, including:
Clarity in the face of uncertainty: Detail why your organization is choosing this pathway.
Unity over scarcity mindset: Ditch the "us vs. them" paradigm and foster a sense of togetherness across all levels of authority.
Balancing flexibility and predictability: We all crave flexibility - both around where but especially when they work - and this must be paired with a level of predictability.
Embracing the learning journey: This change feels scary and hard because it is. Recognize the challenges and adopt a step-by-step approach to solving them, celebrating small wins along the way.
During my tenure at Intuit, we adhered to enduring principles that enhanced our strategy and roll-out of the hybrid work model:
Fostering connectedness and belonging. Amplifying Intuit’s culture through fostering connectedness and belonging is key to who Intuit is and why employees chose to work at Intuit. As a family, Intuit employees stand by each other under a shared set of values and beliefs that make Intuit home.
Sparking creativity and innovation. Creating an environment that enhances the company’s creativity and innovation, which, when coupled with our value of customer obsession, is foundational to delivering on Intuit’s True North goals for its employees, customers, communities, and shareholders.
Solving for speed, agility, and productivity. Enabling Intuit employees to move with speed and agility and be the most productive they can be is essential so the company can continue to deliver game-changing and innovative solutions to power the prosperity of the customers it serves.
Attracting and retaining top, diverse talent. Expanding Intuit’s ability to source, attract, and retain top, diverse talent is critical, including growing its population of underrepresented minorities and creating an environment that allows Intuit employees to do the best work of their lives. This includes expanding recruiting to select talent hotspots where we can recruit in distinct geographical centers with concentrated pools of existing and emerging diverse technical talent, including women and underrepresented minority engineers.
Culture is not a one-size-fits-all concept (anyone who follows me knows I’m a deep believer of this), and your principles should mirror your organizational ethos. Perhaps a greater emphasis on regular in-person interactions fits your needs better. Or perhaps you feel comfortable indexing more toward individual flexibility. The goal is to foster a culture where every individual feels seen and valued, paving the way for growth and innovation. Clear articulation of the intended culture will build a dynamic that respects both personal and professional boundaries, nurturing a fulfilling experience for your teams.
As you forge ahead into the brave new world of hybrid work, remember that assistance is at hand. Euda.io is here to support you, offering peace of mind as you delineate the correct course for your team. Contact us today to secure one of our limited initial consultation slots and let’s build your future of work together.